KIN DB 2004 Project - Kin current status
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This is a list of currently implemented features on the Kin system cluster
(KinDB project):
- Task and module management
- User module loading: Mature
- Task management: Mature
- Module updating from server: Not implemented
- Network management
- Connection management between modules: Mature
- Connection management (external): Text connections (http) Works,
Binary connections Mature, SSL support Not implemented
- Packet management: Mature
- Database features
- Query dispatching (at QM):
- Query analysis and dispathing: Work on progress
(currently under a complete rewrite of binary request)
- Fixed size records:
- Data loading: Works
- Internal queries: Works
Tested with one bitmap query and ID generic search.
- Text strings:
- Data loading: Works
- Internal queries: Not tested
- Variable size blocks:
- Data loading: Not tested
- Internal queries: Not tested
- Storage:
- Data loading from disk: Works
It also successfully checks read data integrity.
- Data dispatching to IMs: Works
You may also read through the
SVN changelog.